Liam Padraic McCreary. What a special boy. Today he is 8 years old.
Liam is lucky. Good things happen for him. He can look in a pile of weeds and spot the 4 leaf clover. He wins contests. He finds meteorites that have fallen from the sky (at least, he says it's a meteorite).
If you are ever fortunate enough to meet him, it will be impossible for you to not fall in love with him. I know I am his mom and all, but really, he is an extraordinary boy.
He wants to do everything his dad does so he eats 2 sunny side up eggs in the morning and dips his toast in the yellow runny part, just like his dad.
I think his favorite person on the planet (other than his dad) is his Uncle Wes. He lets him do wild things that I won't let him do. Like go shark hunting, watch scary movies and say naughty words. I put my foot down when he asked to get a mohawk and a pierced ear.
Liam loves all things dangerous. Slinging rusted machetes, playing with chain saws, breaking bottles with BB guns, and driving the zero-turn lawn mower.
His Aunt Jenn bought him some black leather cowboy boots a few weeks ago. He wants to wear them everywhere, even with shorts. They give him blisters, but he doesn't care. He loves them.
I love that he loves them.
He is his own unique, quirky little person. I couldn't be more proud to be his Momma.
Little boys steal their Mamma's hearts!
This one stole mine 8 years...10 hours and 5 minutes ago...And now owns it...his grandmother...Gee....
He is extraordinary indeed.. I adore him.. Love him to pieces... can hardly wait to see him tomorrow!! Happy birthday buddy! Love You.. MarMar.. =)
He is easy to love!
Oh, I love him too!
He always says "Hey Grammy" to me on facebook!
A sweet, sweet blessing!
Aunt Phyl (Grammy)
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